Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Plunnge - Rakesh Godwani

When I completed reading my last book - Simply fly; I was looking for something light and quick read. I had borrowed this book - Plunnge by a collegue of mine at IIMB - Rakesh Godwani, so began reading this.

The long weekend was an ideal time to start off a this book and I must admit, its a pretty engaging read! I was quick to acknowlege it to him on his Facebook wall saying I was enjoying the read.

Given that the book as a set of 15 short real life stories about people who dared to "reinvent" themselves by taking the "plunge". The short crisp stories with a learning that Rakesh has picked up was very usefull to reitererate the lessons learnt - a good style!

I also see that Rakesh has made an attempt to creating a theory here, and has used the different stories to evolve the theory. This differentiates it from just a lot of stories of people who took a differnt path or plunge; there are numerous lessons that Rakesh has put across in the book, and I wouldnt break the suspense out here.

For a first book, I must admit this is a great start - waiting for more Rakesh. When is the next one coming up?

Go grab this book and read it!

1 comment:

Sahana said...

Nice book to read.... Do what u want and have faith in yourselves :).. Thanks Sachi, making me read this book.